Recently, learning English that is done in a primary school has made a learning method with curriculum basic learner. This curriculum is a project for learning process that is done face to face. During doing a learning system, that learning approach, was done in order to finish a certain target from learning syllabus and to make a student become understand the entire syllabus. It can be stated according to the function that in learner process they have three variables, which are teaching as an informant or resource person, media as an approach, student as an object.
Actually the ability and the willingness of the students become the important part of the students’ understanding toward the lesson. But if it’s not supported with teaching ability, the understanding English lesson will not be optimal. Therefore, through this thesis the writer will described a motivation approach in order to improve a vocabulary learning to let the elementary student of third grade be more convenience in learning situation.
Basically, it was two classes of third grade have been observed to support the research in conformity assessment to obtain it validation of learning by song approach. The first class is determined as an Experimental class and the other one is as a Control class. Those two classes above will functionally process by song treatment and by no song treatment. Based on this performance the writer was decided to collect a data sample from two classes of Third Grade belong to a Government School called SDN PUSPIPTEK. This sampling is justified based on the future requirement for the student to continue their study in the RSBI secondary school.
It was known that the “t” value have a strong relationship to the Pre-Test and Post-Test score of the classes under process. The assessment result between of those two Test are verified quantitatively by using a student “t” analyses in between of significant degree of 5 % to 1 %. The “song” observation approach was proved it reliability with it significant result based on the increasing quality of learning of the experiment class capability. The conformity degree was achieved by a validity point as 2, 00 < 8, 07 > 2, 67. This successful observation was depending to a good collaboration between motivator (teacher) and student during class that was created by a song approach.
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